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Digi-tech + Kenko Alarm Chrono KK-661 Watch Setting Instructions
Digi-tech + Kenko Uhr Bedienungs Anleitung

Watch Face: Chronograph, Alarm Time, Time- Chime, Quartz, Water 50M Resist

This is:

By Julian H. Stacey


English German/ Deutsch
Mehr Deutsch + Other Languages
Introduction Einleitung
Commentary Kommentar
Watch Face + My notes Pics/ Bilder
Usage Bedienung
Setting Normal Time Ein- Stellen der Normal- zeit
Setting Alarm Time Ein stellung der Weck- Zeit
Setting 12 or 24 Hour Mode 12/24- Stunden- Anzeige- format zur Wahl
Setting Alarm & Chime On/Off Wecker und Chime Ein-/Aus- stellen
Timer Mode (eg Stop Watch for sprint runners etc)
Chronograph- Betrieb
Alarm Test Wecker- test
Counting Seconds Sekunden Zahler

Introduction / Einleitung

  • This is a bilingual page, English & German .
    Zwei Sprachen Seite: English & Deutsch
  • Font Colours:
    • Default foreground colour of browser (usually Black):
      The original instructions I typed in from paper were in German, but I guess as this watch doubtless came from Asia for a world market, the primary language was some Asian, then translated into common English, then translated again from English into German, & not done well, so I've tried to correct, not merely retranslated back to English.
    • Brown / Braun + Italics / Schraeg- Shrift : German / Deutsch.
    • Green: Another Watch (In English) : Kenko Alarm Chrono KK-661 Super Protection Works somewhat similarly. The paper docs show the same knobs layout as Digi-tech, but the actual watch face & knobs function have swapped the left 2 knobs (some at least of the functions on the right 1 also seem as if they're swapped, though I've stuck to their nomenclature). I didn't copy in Kenko wording.
  • To Usage
  • To Top

Commentary / Kommentar

Setting this watch was a pig (& watch often needs it as knobs protrude, often pushed accidentally), as:
  • The small paper leaflet is small font, hard to read, expecially at night in bad light.
  • I covered paper in plastic to protect it, now it doesn't scan well to expand.
  • I can not find a manual on web (can't even find a Digi-tech watch manufacturer, just some music company).
  • Paper is written in bad German, mis-spelt in original, seems to have been translated (from Asian to German or perhaps Asian to English back to German?) (& German's a hard language to read anyway, with horrible long word concatenations in original with no spaces (eg Zifferblattbeleuchtung, Zeitablaufmessung), etc.
  • Even the sections of original instructions were stupidly ordered, they started with setting alarm time, whereas obviously everyone first wants to set the time, & periodically reset time again when knobs get pushed by accident, etc.
So I typed it in, then deliberately broke up the horribly long German words (with no spaces or hyphens) & hyphenated them. Words in English are mine.
Their labelling (on paper instructions) of knobs as A B C D was less intuitive than on both physical watch faces + Kenko paper labelling as L (Light), M (Mode), R (Reset), S (Start); so I did not use A B C D but L (Light), M (ode), R (Reset), S (Start)
(There was no need for A B C D even in German (as words similar: L (Licht), M (Modus), R (Reset(/Ruck-Setzen ?), S (Start); (So maybe A B C D was from Asiatic manufacturer & my manual in German was done by an Asian firm perhaps ?))

Now I (& others who find this) have the luxury of browser scaling up to any size wanted. - Legibly !, & no need of flimsy easily damaged & lost paper.

If you find it helpful email me a line saying eg "Thanks for/ Danke fuer Digi-tech web page/ Seite", It's nice to know it helps people. (So far I've heard from several it's helped, & one who gave up on her Digi-Tech.

If the watch seems to respond more or less OK, but is erratic, or if display is faint, if it can't be set properly remove

Battery, install a new battery AG3 = LR41 = 392 (which new should have 1.5 Volts or more) clean contacts, ensure contacts still springy (or gently bend it so it will stlll make good contact).

(2020-03 I noticed with my Digi-Tech the display was blank, moved it to another room to change battery, next morning it was working (maybe movement or different temperature had resuscitated battey ? But I couldn't set the month, & all the flashing was too fast (maybe 10+ a second instead of maybe 3 a second) while setting other things, then by the time I got to the month I coulldn't set that. the old battery was down to 1.25 Volts. A new battery fixed the watch.)

Kenko Battery LR1130 @ 2024-08-19

Watch Face + My notes / Pics/ Bilder

Watch Face + My notes
digi-tech kenko
  • 6 digit LCD Watch with
    6- Stellige Elektronische LCD- Uhr mit
  • Timer & Alarm
    Chronometer und Wecker
  • To Usage
  • To Top

Usage / Bedienung

  • Normal Display :Hour, Minute, Second, Day of week
    Normal- anzeige : Stunde, Minute, Sekunde, Wochen- tag
  • Push START_knob : Shows Month & Day
    Druck auf Knopf_Start : Monats- stelle und Datum
    Digi-tech: & Kenko : Left= Month, Right= Day. Links= Monat, Rechts=Tag
  • Push RESET_knob : Shows Alarm time in hours & minutes
    Druck auf Knopf_Reset : Weck- zeit wird angezeigt mit Stunde und minute
  • Push MODE_knob: Mode Selection
    Druck auf Knopf_Mode : Ein- stellen der Funktion
    Kenko: Just push MODE_knob normally to move between ~ 5 modes:
    • Time - Normal Display, Non Flashing, Seconds increment.
      Bottom row, Sunday - Saturday : One day of 7 black continuous, non flashing. .
    • Timer Stop- watch Function
      Main Display: 00:00 00
      Bottom row, Sunday=Flash, Mon=Tues=Wed=This=ON, Fri=Sat=Flash
    • Alarm Seconds increments & flashes,
      Bottom row: All ON except Tuesday=Flash
    • For the Alarm symbol ( 3 parallel curves, larger on the left, plus a dot on the right) immediately above the seconds:
      • To turn on the symbol : Go to Alarm Set display, then then push Start. It wont turn off by pushing again though.
      • To toggle the symbol : Go to normal time display, then Hold down Reset, then push Start.
    • Time Set/ Adjust, Flashing
      Main Display: Hour on left flashes
      Bottom row: All ON except Monday=Flash
    • The tiny flashing Chime symbol (triangle underneath a square) (inside the circle painted on front screen) , further above the other symbol : I don't know how to change. Maybe take out battery & and wait for it to reset ?
    • Other places to try for clues:
  • Kenko: To Display Month & Date : Push KNOB_start
  • Push LIGHT_knob :Illuminate
    Druck auf Knopf_Light : Ziffer- blatt- beleuchtung
    Digi-tech: A crappy useless light, shining from left.
    Kenko: Better, LCD back light.

Setting Normal Time
Ein- Stellen der Normal- zeit

To Get Here on Digi-tech
Hold MODE_knob for 3 seconds. Release. Push MODE_knob briefly.
Fest- halten Knopf_Mode 3 Sekunde und Knopf_Mode drucken
To Get Here on Kenko, it's simpler, see above "Push MODE_knob normally to move between ~ 4 modes".
  • The seconds blink. Push RESET_knob to zero it.
    Die Sekunden- stellen blinken auf. Bei Druck auf Knopf_Reset stellen sich die Sekunden auf Null zuruck.
    Kenko: push START_knob to zero the seconds, push RESET_knob to move to minutes.
  • Push START_knob. The minutes blink, & can be incremented by RESET_knob.
    1 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die zweite Stelle der Minuten blinkt und kann mittel Knopf_Reset verstellt werden.
    Push Start knob to increment minutes, (or hold in hard to scroll fast); Push RESET_knob to move to Hours.
  • Push START_knob again.
    The hours blink, & can be incremented by RESET_knob
    (12:__ A means on or after after midnight, then it goes 01:__ A, to 11:__ A, 12:__ P means on or after mid day = noon, 1:__ P, ... 11:__ P, 12:__ A. (ie 2 x 12 options, after the 2 x 12 hours Kenko does not do a 2nd round with 00-23 eg 24 hour settings mode).
    2 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die Stunden- stelle blinkt und kann wie oben verstellt werden.

    Kenko: Push START_knob to rotate through hours (you have a choice of 12 or 24 hour display): Hours show as 0H -> 23H, A12, A1 -> A11, P12, P1 -> P11. (As well As the Fat 'A'/'P'/'H' low to right of digits, there's also a faint 'A' or 'P' to high left of digits (but no 'H')). Push RESET_knob to move to move to date (day in month).
  • Push START_knob again. The day in month blinks on right, & can be incremented by RESET_knob
    3 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die Monat- stelle blinkt und kann wie oben verstellt werden.
    Kenko: Push START_knob to rotate through date (day in month). Push RESET_knob to move to day in week.
  • Push START_knob again. The month blinks on left, & can be incremented by RESET_knob
    4 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die Datum- stelle blinkt und kann wie oben verstellt werden.
    Kenko: Push START_knob to rotate through month. Push RESET_knob to move to day in week.
  • Push START_knob again. The day in week blinks, & can be incremented by RESET_knob
    5 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die Wochen- tag- anzeiger blink und kann wie oben verstellt werden.
    Kenko: Push START_knob to rotate through day in week (Su - Sa) . Push RESET_knob to return to setting seconds, Or, Push MODE_knob to finish setting time.
START_knob continues to select & RESET_knob to {zero seconds or increment other settings}, until you push MODE_knob to escape to normal time display mode.
Bei Druck auf Knopf_Start beginnt die Ein- stell- reihen- folge wieder von neuem bei den Sekunden. Wird irgendwann wahrend des Ein- stell- vorgangs Knopf_Mode gedruckt, erscheint die Anzeige der Normal- zeit.

Setting Alarm Time / Ein stellung der Weck- Zeit

  • Push MODE_knob 3 seconds, Alarm time is shown.
  • START_knob selects Hours or Minutes,
  • RESET_knob increments numbers,
  • MODE_knob exits.
  • Fest- halten Knopf_Mode 3 sekunde, Weck- zeit wird angezeigt,
    die nun mittels Knopf_Reset verstellt werden konnen.
  • 1 mal Knopf_Start drucken : die erste Stelle der Minuten blinkt und kann mittel Knopf_Reset verstellt werden.
  • 2 mal Knopf_Mode : Wenn Sie nun (Seems to be something missing on original German paper here).
  • Kenko: START_knob increments (hold in & after a pause it increments fast), RESET_knob toggles between selecting flashing hours or minutes.

Setting 12 or 24 Hour Mode / 12/24- Stunden- Anzeige- format zur Wahl

Hold RESET_knob pressed continuously, Observe on left side, of row at middle height, main display shows
  • Pulse the MODE_knob periodically
  • If time is after mid night, eg 01:30 then Display alternates between: "AM 12:00 A" and "0:00 A"
  • If time is after mid day, eg 14:25 then Display alternates between: "PM 12:00 P" and "12:00 P"
  • The tiny AM or PM on the far left alternately appears & disappears; (it is difficult to even notice or determine it is there, except by transitioning it on & off with MODE_knob).
  • If the tiny AM or PM symbol shows on the left, watch is in 12 hour mode, not 24 hour mode.
  • The tiny "PM" needs bright sunlight or a magnifying glass). & the "P" of "PM" can fall into shadow of left edge of display if the only light is sun from window into room on your left (my case when I edit this) ),
  • If switching from 12 to 24:00 display, the 24:00 only starts after releasing Reset knob.
Fest- halten Knopf_Reset und drucken Knopf_Mode, andert sich das 12 Stunden- Anzeige- format auf 24- Stunden- Anzeige format, oder umgekehrt.

Setting Alarm & Chime On/Off / Wecker und Chime Ein-/Aus- stellen

First observe what state watch is in:
Icon Name Position Icon Graphic Description
Alarm Top Left Bell
Chime Top Right Dot + 3 concentric curves, progressively larger to right

Next, starting in normal display mode, while holding RESET_knob in continuously, push START_knob 1 to 4 times to select through 4 successive variations of:
  • Alarm On , Chime Off
  • Alarm On , Chime On
  • Alarm Off, Chime On
  • Alarm Off, Chime Off
Note 1 push of START_knob does not necessarily put watch on 1st line, 1 push merely moves watch on down 1 state from previous state.
  • In der Normal- anzeige : Fest- halten Knopf_Reset drucken, Weck- zeit wird angezeigt mit Stunde und minute.
  • 1 mal Knopf_Start drucken : Chime an- stellen
  • 2 mal Knopf_Start drucken : Wecker an- stellen
  • 3 mal Knopf_Start drucken : Chime Aus- stellen
  • 4 mal Knopf_Start drucken : Wecker Aus- stellen
  • Wieder Normal- zeit
  • Alarm (Once each day):
    Push & hold RESET_knob in, then also push START_knob, which toggles on & off the alarm (Symbol comprises 3 concentric arcs of circles, progressively larger the further left of the radial dot on right, symbol is outside & lower left from the gold colour circle painted on the plastic (gold paint obviously not on LCD itself).
    It beeps each time Alarm is turned On
  • Chime (On each hour)
    The hourly chime (brief beep) is presumably indicated by the flashing symbol, upper on the LCD, within the (gold colour) circle painted on the plastic.
    • I do not know how to change this.
    • It was off before, yet became On after I installed a new battery (AG12=386).
    • It is not changed by any combined binary mapping to alarm + chime enables, of count eg 1,2,3,4 of presses on START_knob).
    • It is not changed by holding in START_knob & pushing RESET_knob
    • It is not changed by holding in RESET_knob & pushing MODE_knob
    • It is not changed by holding in RESET_knob & pushing LIGHT_knob

Timer Mode (eg Stop Watch for sprint runners etc)
Chronograph- Betrieb

  • In normal time display mode, Push RESET_knob to enter time mode.
    In der Normal- zeit : Druck Knopf_Mode, um Chronograph Funktion ein- zu- stellen.
  • START_knob starts & stops timer, running in hundredths of a second. It adds cumulative sessions.
    Start/Stop : Knopf_Start Drucken. Die Zahlung erfolgt in Hundert- stel Sekunden
  • RESET_knob resets to zero.
    Zeit- ablauf- messung : Wahrend der Chronograph- Zeit- anzeige und Wahrend der Chronograph Zahlung durch Druck auf Knopf_Reset auf Zeit- ablauf- messung (Messung Verbrauchter Zeit) umstellen. Der Chronograph Zahlt nach der Umstellung ungehindert weiter.
  • MODE_knob escapes from time mode.
    Nochmals Knopf_Reset drucken, um wieder auf Chronograph- Zeit- anzeige um- zu- stellen.
  • If you escape from time mode back to normal time display mode, without stopping the timer, the timer continues to run
    Neu- einstellung : Mittels Knopf_Start Zahlung anhalten, dann Knopf_Reset bedienen

Alarm Test / Wecker- test

While in normal time display mode, Hold in RESET_knob, push START_knob to hear the chime.
In der Normal- zeit fest- halten Knopf_Reset und Knopf_Start drucken, Zum testen den Wecke gerausches (piepton) wahrend.

Counting Seconds

Many people count seconds too fast, (so may then fail to Set Normal Time / Ein- Stellen der Normal- zeit ), So to get 3 seconds: Say aloud leisurely: "Mississipi One, Mississipi Two, Mississipi Three" If you just think it, most people go too fast & you get less seconds.

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