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Other Texts by Julian Stacey

  • Biros (ball point pens), Dead, Recovering :
    • I think this works for dead biros, I've rescued 2 or 3 so far. Put them ball down in a microwave oven with caps left on so they wouldnt dry out.
    • I assume it warms the ink to flow down over ball
    • First i also put a coffee mug of water in as a dummy load so the microwave wouldn't blow up.
    • Then i figured I might as well not waste energy, so put in adjacent to bolognese sauce. I'm still alive, but a question of if noxious invisible gasses might emit from the ink from ink ?
    • I havent done this for biros with metal parts. Another method might be to use a centrifuge. Perhps a double ended tube, loaded by matched weight of 2 similar biros ? spun by an electric drill ? Caution might be dangerous.
  • Food (from mk@)
    • Food to avoid:
      • chocolate, cake, mars bars, sweets in general (incl. ice cream) burgers, pork, sausages, peanuts (especially if oily & salted) crisps!! (no nutrients, just starch, lots of fat and salt), white bread
        Basically highly processed food, that has lost its vitamin content during the preparation process.
      • Crisps, for example, also contain hormones that are added to the potatoes that they are made from to stop them growing shoots, which would show up as marks on the crisps.
      • Sweets, with their high contents of sugar interfere, for example, with the vitamin B household, because sugar is a vitamin B killer. Vitamin B is very important for the nervous system.
      • Meat these days contains anything from hormones to antibiotics and beta blockers (used to tranquilize the animals before slaughtering them). Therefore, meat intake should not be too high, fish and poultry should be preferred (= white meat).
    • Food to prefer:
      • whole wheat bread (in Germany ask for Vollkorn at the bakery). One has to be careful to not just buy bread that looks dark (it might just be coloured with "Zuckerkoel|r" to look healthy), but one should by bread with "bits in it", eg sun flower seed, barley etc.
      • brown rice (much better than white rice, which has been peeled and does not contain important trace elements and minerals any more).
      • cake with fruit and made from whole wheat flower (eg in Germany "Aprikosen- schnitten"
      • Any kind of cheese, preferably cheese that has not got too many additives, eg camenbert (Weihenstephaner)
      • Greens: Carrots (good for the eye, lots of vitamin A), tomatoes, peppers, aubergines, onions.
      • Fruit: oranges (lots of vitamin C), kiwis (dito), lemons (& honey when you have a cold), apples, grape-fruit (especially low sugar content, very non-fattening), plums, strawberries.
      • Nuts: As mentioned above, peanuts should be avoided, not a very high content of nutrients, and normally too greasy and salty.
      • Better: (all unroasted, non-greasy, unsalted) almonds, cashew nuts, sun flower seed, walnuts, brazil nuts walnuts...etc.
  • Interest Rates - Morgages (UK House Loans from Building Societies)
    • These are or were (*) fraudulent under estimates compared to APR. EG legal reforms in late 20th century had forced banks etc to quote APR for lots of loans eg credit cards, where the interest was recalculated monthly & what was left to pay.
    • But for some defrauding reason Building Societies were exempt! So they only calculated their monthly repayment through the coming year, based on what was owing at the beginning of each year!
    • * I discovered this when probably in late 1980s I I used a geometric sequence to calculate monthly payments. & at Leeds Provincial Building Society, London Moorgate (a big branch) (now Halifax) various staff told me my calculations were wrong, I must pay more, but they had no idea why, I challenged it, & the manager told them my calculations were right, but that the B.Soc didnt work that way, - to their advantage, thus under quoting the true rate of interest they charged customers for loans.
  • Kettles After Boiling
    • To save energy: Immediately after pouring the boild water you want, refill (to level you will next want, perhaps just to 1 cup level) with cold water from tap.
    • Reason: Energy loss from hot kettle is proportional to difference in temp between kettle & air. Reducing the kettle temp reduces energy lost to the air.
  • Stain Removal
    • Indelible felt pen on car body: first petrol to dissolve, Not cellulose s modern car paints ar cellulose based. Then something milder, perhaps washing machine solvent.
    • Bolognese Sauce: Soak in hot water with washing up iiquid
  • Unix Linux BSD Syntax
  • Money

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