Laser Distance Meter + Spirit Level Product Name:
This was scanned & published 'cos I own one, & last
time I needed to use it, the manual
was not with it, so I searched the web, found
numerous vendors, but could not find a manual, not even on the claimed manufacturer
site, so they have abandoned customers. Maybe they're not
really manufacturer. & just imported it from eg China &
badged it so don't have the original data that produced the manual ? Seen that phenomena often
So I scanned & webbed PDF
manual, so users like me won't be stranded. I scanned it
with xsane not at my normal 300dpi for normal size text, but at
600dpi as there's lots of small print & graphic detail, so
one may may want to zoom expand.
I tried gray scale but for front+ back cover that produced a
.tiff of 3,276,244 compared with just 112.744 bytes for gray
I kept the manual.tiff.gz I
will later prune trailing white space (which
is in pdf but not tiff) & seperate out single pages in tiff
& re-process to PDF.
Page 21: Pythagorean theorem I guess this is to apply the
theorem, to calculate a length of wall one can see but not
approach & touch.
There might be 3 different modes ?
- perpendicular to end of diagonal
- end of one diagonal to end of other diagonal
- between diagonals
An OCR extract of text, uncorrected.
Of course as the first can page starts wuth the last page of
the paper booklet, that chunk is out of order.