1 of 3 similar files to be merged in
If You Received A Mail Error Message From Our Domains, eg:
- 550 Access denied
- 550 Relaying denied
If you'r not just another spammer etc, (as most email
recipients of the above error messages are),
- Please Phone & we will try
to fix it for you.
- You will be asked what error message took you to this
page, especially if the last word was "access" or
"relay" as above.
- We may tell you on phone a different email address to
forward error message to, so we can remove the block on your
Mail is dumped from or via Spammer
Domains (Make sure your domain is not there, for
various reasons eg:
- If your domain blocks postmaster@ or abuse@ or
hostmaster@ etc ) - breach of RFC (= international
Internet law); Your registrar may be
contacted to Cancel your domain.
- If your domain or IP previously spammed us.
- If your domain name is promoted by spam etc.
- If your IP domain or IP was hijacked by a spammer
etc. (no we don't routinely list standard spammer
masqueraded domain name lies).
- If you auto respond to every apparent sender domain,
each time a mail is not deliverable on your site. Realise
spammers usually masquerade a lie, pretending to be an
innocent domain. If you stupidly become a secondary
spammer, we may not just block you, but take action against
- Note masquerading itself is OK OK, it's just fake
masquerading of lied domains by spammers that is
- Mail is dumped if containing Spammer Phrases
- Mail in plain text
Ascii format.
HTML & other excrement such as Microsoft Word format are
segregated &/or dumped automatically.