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This is:

Pulse Of Europe Rally, Munich = Muenchen 3rd March 2019

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Notes & Videos of Speakers on Brexit
Julian H. Stacey & Bernie Faulkner English & German

  • Text Notes
  • Videos of Julian & Bernie (4 & 3 minutes)
    • A choice of both sequentialy, or individualy, & in varying sizes.
    • All videos need the name & password that is on the foot of all postings on the Brexit discussion list (or ask author).
    • Choice of frame sizes, & thus byte sizes & download times (all except original, FreeBSD `file' reports as `ISO Media, MP4 Base Media v1 [IS0 14496-12:2003]")
      Video File Name Byte Size Frame Size Attributes (ffprobe) Produced By
      julian_film.mp4 22,600,013 352x240 isom; Dur.: 4:10.07; 0.72Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -t 4:10 -i original.mp4 -s film julian_film.mp4
      bernie_film.mp4 16,558,220 352x240 isom; Dur.: 2:50.97; 0.77 Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -ss 4:07 -i original.mp4 -s film bernie_film.mp4
      julian+bernie_film.mp4 38,824,385 352x240 isom; Dur.: 6:57.9; 0.74Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -s film julian+bernie_film.mp4

      julian_pal.mp4 77,156,417 720x576 isom; Dur.: 4:10.07; 2.5Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -t 4:10 -i original.mp4 -s pal julian_pal.mp4
      bernie_pal.mp4 61,549,489 720x576 isom; Dur.: 2:50.97; 2.9Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -ss 4:07 -i original.mp4 -s pal bernie_pal.mp4
      julian+bernie_pal.mp4 137,671,131 720x576 isom; Dur.: 6:57.9; 2.6Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -i original.mp4 -s pal julian+bernie_pal.mp4

      julian_full.mp4 323,753,393 1920x1080 isom; Dur.: 4:10.07; 10.4 Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -t 4:10 -i original.mp4 julian_full.mp4
      bernie_full.mp4 267,449,552 1920x1080 isom; Dur.: 2:50.97; 12.5 Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -ss 4:07 -i original.mp4 bernie_full.mp4
      julian+bernie.mp4 586,970,186 1920x1080 isom; Dur.: 6:57.9; 11.2 Mbps; h264; 30 fps ffmpeg -i original.mp4 julian+bernie_full.mp4

      original.mp4 901,770,763 1920x1080 mp42; Dur.: 6:57.9; 17.2Mb/s; h264; 30.02 fps Android Camera App. (FreeBSD `file' reports "ISO Media, MP4 v2 [ISO 14496-14]")
      Video File Name Byte Size Frame Size Attributes (ffprobe) Produced By
    • Brexit Discussion & feedback to speakers via Brexit Mail List
    • Technical suggestions re. audio video editing to Julian Stacey (a Unix consultant who uses only Free software such as FreeBSD etc No Microsoft.
      I'm using ffmpeg on FreeBSD, Ffmpeg also runs on Linux, Android, MS & Apple).
      Other ports/multimedia/ tools to try: mencoder transcoder

If You are British:
Please Write An MP

Yes you can write even if you've been out over 15 years & UK has stolen your write to vote. Numerous of us have, & got answers, ask us on the Brexit discussion list
UK stole seven hundred thousand plus rights to vote from Brits resident in the EU over 15 years.

If You Are An EU citizen:
Please sign EU Permanent Citizenship Petition

(Bitte Unterschreiben: - Dauerhafte Unions Buergerschaft)
(BTW you can not click back from the EU site to this Berklix site, so this link contains an extra 'target="_blank"' to open a new window)

If you are German:
Please vote in E.U. Elections on 28th May 2019

(Some other countries in E.U. have other dates)
Am 28. Mai 2019 ist Europa Wahl: Bitte Geh waehlen !


Thanks To Pulse of Europe hosts Klaus F, Margit E. & co. to photographer who prefers anonymity, to friends who came, large friendly PoE audience, & people met after, we all had a good time smiley face icon.

Stolen VotesBerklix.Net Computer AssociatesDomainsApache: Web ServerFreeBSD: Operating System