Web Spies - Tracking & Targeted Advertising
Web Sites & Browsers Spy On You, Then Get Others To
Advertise at You
Purpose Of This Page
- Inform people they may elsewhere be un-willing targets of
unwanted personally directed advertising; + How it's done,
Who does it, How to evade & block it
- Disclaimer: Berklix has never
had advertised, or been involved, except that Berklix for years has innocently had links
(as has much of the net) to some sites that Are involved. Berklix is not advertising. Berklix does not sell or buy advertising,
nor promote or co-ordinate advertising between buyers &
Berklix Domains Do Not Track, Nor
How you can be sure that's true:
- Read the source of any pages (Not the visible pages,
the HTML
source! - Also visible in your browser if you select
- Nearly all Berklix pages are
hand written so they are also easier to read.
- They are also cleanly formatted by Tidy (on
- So Berklix pages are easy to
read & check compared to horribly complex pages with
horrific long lines of opaque HTML output by big
generator programs.
(OK, I too use a few small generators such as
make & m4 (on
FreeBSD) (macros) & .le
& groff.rof (on
freebsd, but they produce pretty simple HTML )
- You can use a spider program (such as httrack (on
FreeBSD) to capture the entirety of all Berklix pages, & use a
find &
grep scan looking for any tracking (If you don't know
find &
grep are, ask a Unix expert. There
is no tracking to find though on Berklix, so try elsewhere.
- The author has lots of Unix friends & associates,
who know how to run all such tools to check any site that
might interest them.
- Via
WayBack Machine, eg for, you can even check if some domain used to
contain tracking stuff even if it doesn't now.
- Berklix has never
Tracking Commercial spying, targeting, tracking
Many sites carry personally
directed advertising, including eg:
Some sites that have tracked & given info to 3rd
parties to do directly individually targeted advertising:
- conrad . de
PS I happened to take notes about Conrad affiliate
programme shortly before this, on 28 Dec 2013:
German site: 5 % Provision auf den netto
Bestellwert ... Leichtes Einbinden der Werbemittel
auf Ihrer Ihnen vermittelten Bestellungen
They want date of birth! Even for a company!
(Normal German habit: all ask for person's date of
birth, none take responsibility for raising risk of
ID theft).
English site: "Joining our affiliate program is
free, simple and fast. We've teamed up with
Webgains and Affiliate Window to take the hassle
out of affiliate schemes, meaning all you have to
do is select the links to Conrad that you feel
would work on your website. If these links refer
sales to our website then you will be automatically
paid a pre-agreed commission."
It seems both Conrad's .de & .uk use
2 affiliate nets, but different ones. .de use these
(I've found English page equivalents): zanox . com / gb /
& affili .
net / uk /
- Tyre
- Tyre Vendor
Some sites that co-ordinate it:
How It's Done
Using information vendors at other sites have gleaned from
browsers (even when one doesn't login, or purchase from
vendor's web
Example: The special 12 V 17 Ah lead gell batteries
advertised at Toytown { top of 2014-04-14T2005_front_page_ad.jpg
& base of 2014-04-11T1339_frame.jpg
} & top of are not random
popular batteries to advertise at a general public; but were
targeted at me after I browsed those 2 minority interest
batteries at (& 2nd
Conrad URL) Conrad must have logged my browsing & fed
to Toytown's operators probably via
a marketing intermediary. (Which 3rd advert here declares to be Google, I confirmed
it by clicking around on another minority product or 2 &
saw them too advertised soon after on Toytown Other adverts on 3rd party pages
will also include generic advertising, not individually
If you had browsed a more private product perhaps from
another vendor, you might not want it there when someone
glanced at your screen, while you were browsing a supposedly
innocuous advertiser. In the cases of adverts seen on Toytown & Meteoblue I had not
logged in when I got them. Neither do I have a web account
with Conrad.
Consider what Toytown or similar
social sites could do now or later in reverse, with extra
personal information members are invited to give in their
personal profile, + browsing & posting history: who it
might be sold to, exchanged with, or lost to on site
intrusion. Scenarios would be yet worse on USA based sites
where EU data privacy laws ignored, & the NSA syphon off
masses of data.
- Targeted advertising is [most easily] achieved by vendor
sites tracking browsers, then passing info to advertiser
- Cookies: Best
to set cookies to be
deleted at least at end of each browser session; (I wrote a
script to do that for
Firefox on FreeBSD, so I dont have to trust & trace what
the browser does). But even if you do, will you terminate
& restart browser between browsing a vendor & then
browsing next site such as Toytown
- [Some of] what your browser automatically provides to all
sites can be seen here: berklix . net /
cgi-bin / printenv Inc. browser type & OS, &
languages preferred & REMOTE_ADDR & REMOTE_HOST= Your
current connection. (So bad sites will also know where to
live probe).
- Java - a liability, but hard to turn off as lots of sites
want it.
- There may also be potential for un-authorised cookies
raiding by rogue java scripts, if cookies are
not encrypted, but consideration of that is too complex for
- Targeted advertising will slow pages, optionally
necessitating reference to another remote site, &/or
database, to build pages to advertise individually.
- Here's an anonymous web proxy project to help defend
from spying web sites: torproject . org
- Here's my little Unix
script (for BSD & Linux &
other Free OS's )
to toss all previous Firefox accumulated spy data & start
afresh. OK, it won't work for other browsers.
Maybe I'll write something smilar for eg chrome or chromium
- If you'r using Microsoft, you'll have to fumble around
with the annoyingly ever moving Firefox preferences (which
don't offer enough control anyway). Or if you'r an MS
proficient user, make an equivalent .BAT script out of my
shell script, & hook it to the window manager. You'll
need to know more than just clicking for that ;-).
support . mozilla . org / en - US / kb / trackers - and -
scripts - firefox - blocks - enhanced - track ?
- Android has ad blocker apps,
but those on Google's play store are somewhat crippled as
Google is an advertiser. Try one of several more powerful
ones on
(On a seperate page, else as wide bit images, they would have
forced all text on this page to have been viewed on a wide
Better Prices Perhaps By Cleverly Deciding When To
Deliberately Incur cookies &
When NOT To Delete Them ?
Just a suspicion so far ...
When browsing prior to purchase, you may want to browse some
competition sites before going to your preferred vendor;
& _not_ purging cookies in
between & Not disconnecting & starting a new D-DNS
session & Not telling browser to flush cookies &
Not using my Unix
script in between.
Why: Maybe your preferred vendor sniffs where cookies
are stored & if it sees cookies from a
competitor vendor, it may offer you better prices ? I haven't
proved it yet, but I think I may have seen it (shopping for
car tyres). I presume most cookies from
different vendors are encrypted so competitive vendors can't
easily read each others cookies, but
maybe just knowing the sort of name a competitor uses to
store their cookies, &
testing for existence, along with a recent time stamp on cookies
file, is sufficient for a vendor to decide "This customer is
market aware, offer a better price to compete harder!".
Sometime I'll test &/or discuss viability
Other Spies
As this page is co-titled "Web Spies" its also worth
remembering USA NSA are
spieing on everyone, & eg the Germans don't trust
Britain's GCHQ either, (Ref Merkel mobile, & see 2014 EU
election posters etc). 2014-05 the USA listed 5 Chinese inc 2
Chinese PLA members for spieing. So assume companies And
governments are probably trying to spy on you & each
other. UK GCHQ & alien American NSA spy on British MPs:
News David Davis comments on Computer Weekly's investigation
into the interception of MPs' email (At 2018-01-11 Davis
is now Minister for Brexit (DExEU)
Spy Blocking
Https & torproject .
org browser may protect you from NSA etc, but rather
harder to protect from targeted advertising.